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Featured in

  • Alert Dashboard

    • Alert prioritization and configuration

      View, prioritize, and configure email notifications according to your specific needs and organizational structure.
    • Alert resolution and tracking

      Use the alert dashboard as ToDo list. Mark alerts as resolved and add comments if needed.
    • Alert filtering and organization

      Filter and organize alerts to streamline management and focus on priority issues.
  • Amazon Advertising optimization insights

    • Performance gap insights

      Leverage insights on gaps in impressions, conversion rates, and clickthrough rates compared to similar products to identify and implement crucial optimizations.
    • Advertising optimization suggestions

      Act on recommendations to advertise high-potential products and adjust budgets for high-performing campaigns, maximizing sales opportunities and return on investment.
  • Changes in listings

    • Title, description, main image or category change

      Receive notifications when your listings get changed and take action if needed.
    • Parent ASIN changed, removed or new child ASIN created

      Pay attention to the movement of an ASIN to a different parent, the removal from its current parent listing or receiving of a new child listing (variation).
    • Listing suppression

      If one of your listings gets closed for any reason, sellerboard will notify you.
  • New sellers, Buy Box changes and unusually large orders

    When selling multiple products, it can be easy to miss a new seller on one of your listings or spot the loss of the buy box. We will notify you about these events, so you can check the listing and take action. sellerboard will also help you keep an eye on suspiciously large orders that might block your stock.
  • FBA and referral fee changes

    Know when your FBA or referral fees get modified as a result of changes in product dimensions or category changes. If this happens, you can request a re-measurement of the product or change the category back to original.

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  • Negative or neutral seller feedback

    sellerboard keeps an eye on the reviews on all your marketplaces and sends out notifications whenever you receive neutral or negative feedback.
    Try for free
  • Inventory alerts

    • Upcoming stock shortages

      Configure your production times in the sellerboard Inventory feature and receive notifications about products about to run out of stock.
    • Inbound quantity

      Get timely alerts if the FBA shipment quantity does not match the Amazon inbound quantity.
  • Flexible alerts configuration

    • Easily configure your alert settings

      Select the notifications you want to receive in the sellerboard interface and via email.
    • Enter separate emails for different alert types

      If several members of your team manage the same sellerboard account, each one can receive a specific type of notifications into their inbox.
    • Non-stop listing monitoring

      sellerboard watches your Amazon account 24/7, so you don’t have to.

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Supported marketplaces

  • US
  • CA
  • MX
  • BR
  • BE
  • FR
  • DE
  • IT
  • NL
  • PL
  • ES
  • SE
  • TR
  • UK
  • AU
  • EG
  • IN
  • JP
  • SA
  • SG
  • UAE